Silvia Federici

Enviado por aarquivista, ter, 2016-08-02 06:36

Nova Iorque

Autora de diversos livros Revolución en punto cero: Trabajo doméstico, reproducción y luchas feministas; O calibán e a bruxa, mulheres, corpo e a revolução originária

(ambos disponíveis em PDF pela Traficantes de Sueños, Madrid)


Silvia Federici é originalmente de Parma, Italia. Vive nos Estados Unidos, em Nova Iorque. Professora universitária e militante feminista. Autora de enúmeros artigos e alguns livros - incluindo Caliban and the Witch e Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction and Feminist Struggle. Uma das organizadoras da campanha pelos salários para o trabalho doméstico (Wages for Housework). Integra o grupo militante Midnight Notes Collective.

{from wikipedia in english}

Silvia Federici Born 1942, Parma, Italy. is an Italian American scholar, teacher, and activist from the radical autonomist feminist Marxist tradition.[1] She is a professor emerita and Teaching Fellow at Hofstra University, where she was a social science professor.[2] She worked as a teacher in Nigeria for many years, is also the co-founder of the Committee for Academic Freedom in Africa, and is a member of the Midnight Notes Collective.[3]

Federici grew up in Italy, and came to the US in 1967 to study for a PhD in philosophy at the University at Buffalo.[4] She taught at the University of Port Harcourt in Nigeria, and was Associate Professor and later Professor of Political Philosophy and International Studies at New College of Hofstra University.

She was co-founder of the International Feminist Collective, an organizer with the Wages for housework campaign, and was involved with the Midnight Notes Collective. She co-founded the Committee for Academic Freedom in Africa (CAFA). In 1995, she co-founded the Radical Philosophy Association (RPA) anti-death penalty project.


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