Objects of Study or Commodification of Knowledge? Remarks on Artistic Research

Enviado por ex0d0, sex, 2017-12-29 12:14

Simon Sheikh


{da introdução do texto}

One of the current buzzwords of art production and education is the notion of artistic research. But what does such a concept entail? Let us begin by positing three, admittedly tentative, possible definitions:

  1. research into artistic practices and materials, or,

  2. research as artistic practice, or, finally,

  3. research that is artistic, i.e. an aesthetic approach to science. I will here suggest that we

    look at the term research through Louis Althusser’s famous description of (Marxist) science as an enterprise that has a theory of its object of study, and thus ask what could be the object of study in the arts after the dematerialization of the art object, and, in turn, question the role of (dematerialized) artistic production within the knowledge economy of current cognitive capital. 






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