The Future of the World Social Forum

Enviado por claranja, seg, 2014-01-27 09:35

Porto Alegre


Transcrição das falas dos integrantes no debate/conversa "Qual o futuro do Fórum Social Mundial", realizado no espaço Caracol Intergalatika, no Acampamento da Juventude, FSM 2005, em Porto Alegre, Brasil.

{do artigo}

The following is a transcript and translation of a public meeting at the WSF’05 between members of the International Council, the Brazilian Organising Committee of the WSF, organizers of the Intercontinental Youth Camp and Caracol Intergalactika, as well as i
ndividuals without any affiliation. This meeting took place in the Caracol Intergal
actika, between the Youth Camp and the official Forum, on 30 January 2005
and was chaired by Teivo Teivainen. Due to the fairly poor recording of the ev
ent, there are many holes in this text; three dots [...] or [not clear] are suppose
d to represent these manifold holes of understanding. But we still think that there is value in including this transcript in this special issue, although the text can,
of course, not claim to fully represent the things that were voiced there. We apologize for any mistakes and errors. The full recording of this event is accessible at


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Enviado por alexeiypetov em seg, 2014-03-10 21:23.

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Enviado por alexeiypetov em seg, 2014-03-10 21:23.

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