Simon Sheikh

Enviado por claranja, qua, 2013-12-18 19:11


Diretor do Programa de Estudos Curatoriais da Goldsmiths College, Universidade de Londres.

{versão em português, do site da Goldsmiths}

Minha pesquisa lida com as modalidades e as potencialidades da curadoria, na relação entre fazer exposições e o imaginário poético. Estou preocupado em como exposições são articuladas através de arranjo, narrativa e espacialização, assim como em como o formato das exposições pode ser expandido, negado ou transformado.

{english version - do site da Goldsmiths}

My research is dealing with the modalities and potentialities of curating, within the relation between exhibition-making and political imaginaries. I am concerned with how exhibitions articulate through arrangement, narrative and spatialization, as well as how the very format of the exhibition can be expanded, negated or transformed.

Research areas thus include the making of publics, the instituting of subjectivity and the politics of display, both in terms of critical writing, the conceptualization and realization of exhibition projects, and in the form of an ongoing formulation of histories of exhibition making and reception.

Recently I have been engaged in making former the notion of ‘the West’, in how Capital can be read, re-read and represented, and in the artistic pratices of archiving, circulation and dissemination that can be viewed as unauthorized, and running counter to sanctified cultural politics and forms.

Curadorias realizadas / Curated Exhibitions:


Reading / Capital (For Althusser), DEPO, Istanbul.

Unauthorized, Inter Arts Lab, Malmö. (cat.)

All That Fits: The Aesthetics of Journalism, QUAD, Derby (With Alfredo Cramerotti) (cat.)

Do You Remember the Future? Part of the project Nordic Art Today: Conceptual Debts, Broken Dreams and New Horizons, TOK / Project Loft Etagi, St. Peterburg. (cat.)

Vectors of the Possible, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht. (cat.)

Capital (It Fails Us Now), Kunstihoone, Tallinn. (cat.)

Circa Berlin, (with Elisabeth Delin Hansen) Nikolaj Udstillingsbygning,Copenhagen (cat.)

Capital (It Fails Us Now), UKS, Oslo.

Models of Resistance, Overgaden, Copenhagen. (with Peter Holst Henckel and Cecilie Høgsbro)

Naust, (with Lars Mathisen) Øygarden, Norge. (cat.)

In My Room, Nordic Video, Musee d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. (cat.)

Public Utility, with GLOBE, Kombirama, Zürich.

Do-It-Yourself! - Mappings and Instructions, Bricks & Kicks, Vienna. (cat.)

Escape Attempts, Globe, Christania.

Compartments, with GLOBE. A presentation of the collectives Ampcom (Helsinki), Bank (London), Bricks and Kicks (Vienna), Interzone (Milan), Minimal Club (Berlin), Purple Prose (Paris), Transmission (Glasgow) and W 139 (Amsterdam), various venues, Copenhagen, as part of Copenhagen Cultural Capital of Europe. (cat.)

Interplace Access, with GLOBE, Via Farino, Milan.

Art Attackwith GLOBE, Oslo.

I Confess, Nikolaj Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen (with Sanne Kofod) (cat.)

Messe 2 OK, with GLOBE, Cologne (cat.)

Ja til Sven Dalsgaard, with GLOBE, Copenhagen. (cat.)

News Room København(m. Peter Fend), with GLOBE, Copenhagen.

Sans Frontieres (Art in Ruins), GLOBE, Copenhagen

Black Box I - III, with GLOBE, Copenhagen

Exclusion, Consul, Århus. (cat.)


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