Franco (Bifo) Berardi

Enviado por aarquivista, seg, 2013-11-18 20:12

Franco Berardi, mais conhecido por Bifo (Bolonha, 1949), é um filósofo, escritor e agitador cultural italiano. Oriundo do movimento operaísta, foi professor secundário em Bolonha. Seu trabalho mobiliza o papel da mídia e da informação tecnológica no contexto do capitalismo pós-industrial.

{do site do eipcp}

is a writer, mediatheorist and media-activist.
Founder of the magazine A/traverso (1975-1981), he took part in the staff of Radio Alice, the first free radio station in Italy (1976/1978).
He was involved in the political movement of autonomia in Italy during the '70's. He worked with Felix Guattari, in the field of schizoanalisis.
During the '80's he contributed to the magazine Semiotexte (New York), Chimeres (Paris), Metropoli (Rome) and Musica 80 (Milano).
In the '90 he published Mutazione e ciberpunk, (Genova, 1993), Cibernauti (Roma, 1994), Felix (2001), and he worked in the field of cyberculture and TV broadcasting.
He is one of the founders of the network Telestreet, and co-author of the book: Telestreet Macchina immaginativa non omologata.
Teaches Social history of the media in the Accademia di Brera, in Milano.
Co-founder of the e-zine.
He is currently working on a book on Sensibility in the age of connectivity.


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