Radical Education Forum

Enviado por aarquivista, qui, 2012-11-01 18:20
Londres, UK

Fórum formado por diversos profissionais, incluindo em grande parte profissionais da área de educação, empregados, desempregados ou autônomos.

Descrição do Forum, realizada por eles mesmos:

The Radical Education Forum is a group of people
working in a wide range of educational settings in the
UK.  We meet monthly to discuss radical pedagogical
theories and techniques, and contemporary
issues of interest to those involved or interested
in education. We explore and enact how these
theories and questions can inform our practice.
The Forum supports social justice in education,
linking practitioners within mainstream educational
institutions, community education initiatives, social
movements, arts organisations and self-organised
groups. Meetings are held on the first Monday of
every month from 7–9pm and are open to all at
Freedom Books (through side door rather than main
shop entrance, meeting room on 2nd floor), Angel
Alley, 84b Whitechapel High Street, London, E1
(nearest tube Aldgate East).


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