Beatriz Lemos

Enviado por ex0d0, qui, 2011-08-18 12:45

Rio de Janeiro

Licenciada em História da Arte pela UERJ e mestranda em História Social da Cultura PUC-RJ, trabalhou, entre 2002 e 2008, como assistente na área de pesquisa e curadoria no Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói. Dedica-se, atualmente, à curadoria independente com pesquisa voltada para a arte contemporânea e seus desdobramentos em redes. Integrou a equipe de coordenação do Programa de Residência Terra UNA ( .br), em Minas Gerais, e articula projetos de intercâmbios entre cenas de arte na América Latina, participando de residências e idealizando exposições no Brasil e exterior. É uma das editoras da Revista de Arte Elástica. Diretora da Plataforma Lastro - Intercâmbios livres em arte.

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Beatriz Lemos is an autonomous researcher and curator. She holds a Master’s Degree in Social History of Culture by PUC-RJ. She is the founder and director of the research platform Lastro — Intercâmbios Livres em Arte [Lastro — Free Exchanges in Art]. She acts from an anti-colonial perspective to conduct and articulate transdisciplinary network processes of creation and learning.


In collaboration with the Museu de Arte Moderna [Modern Art Museum] in Rio de Janeiro, she coordinated the project of cataloguing Márcia X’s (1959-2005) collections of works and documents, which in 2013 culminated in the artist’s monographic exhibition and the launching of the catalogue raisonné. Between 2015/2016, she was part of the Visiting Curator program at the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage (Rio de Janeiro), which developed into the school’s current basis for its Library | Center of Documentation and Research. In the year of 2015, she realized the Lastro Centroamérica [Lastro Central America] research phase, travelling with 15 Brazilian artists and curators through Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Mexico resulting in the exhibition Lastro em campo: percursos ancestrais e cotidianos [Lastro on the field: ancestral and everyday pathways], at SESC Consolação (São Paulo) in 2016.


She was part of the curatorial committee of the 20th Contemporary Art Festival Sesc_Videobrasil (2017) and Bolsa Pampulha (2018/2019), and coordinated the artistic residency Travessias Ocultas [Occult Crossings] — Lastro Bolívia, which developed into an exhibition at SESC Bom Retiro (2016/2017). She is currently part of the curatorial team for the 3rd Frestas – Triennial of Arts (Sorocaba, SP).


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